Feels like you're saying kamehameha very slowly till you smite people. have yet to test it's damage with blessing though, since it adds 100 spellpower, it could make song of storms and overcharge double in power as well, but then if just one thing goes wrong and you lose a turn, it all goes to shit (not to mention if you don't get one shot while you're preparing). Rip 1k smite, you will be missed (not really).
i tried a combo of buffing spells, like song of storms, charge weapon, even save edited to add overcharge (honestly one of my favorite spells) to buff it even further, taking me three full rounds just to be able to prepare to use smite on the fourth, and i can't go past the 700 dmg mark (and that's a crit btw!). No matter the weapon i pick, the damage doesn't change too. Well, since smite's nerf, it takes a lot of preparation to make it deal half as much damage as it could before.